Seeing the tittle - which is a familiar story-start up, don't think there would be a story. Sorry folks, there's no story today. But I am gonna write about the past in the present. Confusing is it.. ? Don worry, you will be more perplexed when you get to the end of the post. We've learnt about past, our past, the past of ancestors and their ancestors , their ancestors and so on.. in a very "interesting" branch of human study called History. I don't know why most of my friends loathed this beautiful branch of study, which is the base of how we live and what we do today. I really don't get to know why most of my pals had a great aversion to this stream, which enables us to lead a fairly peaceful and comfortable life today , tomorrow and the day-after... But this is not a lecture about the importance of History and its significance in modern life, upon which we have been lectured several times by our highly capable teachers. Past is a huge ocean, I am not saying about the past of the whole universe. I am appealing to the past of ourselves - our own past - our childhood, maybe our first love, moments- the tricky ones, confusing ones, lovely ones, emotional ones.... the ones we like to remember...!! But there are some, which are not worth remembering. The sad ones, humiliating ones, joyless ones , the unfortunate and unfulfilled ones, the ones which crush us... ---- all these make up our past, our own past. !! Each one of us know that its important to keep in mind, our past to take steps that make up our future.
Yesterday will definitely influence, not only today but also the "tomorrow" and the "days after tomorrow" ...
Therefore, lead a pleasant present so that in the future, when you turn back , you will have a joyful past to look at , which will keep you going till you attain mortality or... immortality ...----- who knows. :)